Easter bunny in bar.
Marty Murphy, Playboy cartoonist extraordinaire, my cartoon mentor, and a connoisseur of fine drinks, told me the waiter/server in a bar is called a barkeep. I never heard that title before! I...
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Lotsa talk about real estate and housing in SoCal (Southern California). Real real estate hijinks. Beach house bingo. I rather love real estate chatter. When the LA Times actually had a Real Estate...
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May does have May 1, when the custom used to be picking flowers as gifts for your neighbors and loved ones, and leaving them by...
View ArticleBuying a second home at the shore?
Housing in Los Angeles is crazy! Lotsa talk about real estate and housing in SoCal (Southern California). Real real estate hijinks. Beach house bingo. And... The post Buying a second home at the shore?...
View ArticleEaster bunny in bar cartoon. And Marty Murphy.
Marty Murphy, Playboy cartoonist extraordinaire, was my cartoon mentor. He was also a connoisseur of fine drinks, and any kind of bar. No wonder, then... The post Easter bunny in bar cartoon. And...
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